3 Tips To Improve Real Estate Listings In Plumas County

by | Jun 25, 2015 | Real Estate

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If you are planning on selling property, it is important to ensure you are creating appealing and accurate real estate listings. In Plumas County, working with a Real estate broker familiar with the area, as well as what type of listings sell, is a critical factor in ensuring your property gets noticed.

Unfortunately, when the initial real estate listings in Plumas County aren’t eye – catching or interesting, the property won’t be as easy to move. This is a simple factor of the numbers; the fewer people that come to the property the less likely it is you will have a sale.

Then, in turn, the longer real estate listings in Plumas County are on the market, the more people start to question what is wrong with the property since it hasn’t sold. Often it is simply poor pictures, high pricing, lack of description of the beauty and features of the property, or a combination of these issues.


Perhaps the single biggest issue with real estate listings in Plumas County is pricing. Sellers tend to price too high given the selling price and comps of the surrounding properties. Even in the most rural areas of the county what similar property is selling for will influence buyers to either viewing the property or giving it a pass.

Working with a Real estate broker specializing in properties in Plumas County is your best option. He or she can provide you with a fair price range for your property and help determine a reasonable asking price.

Photographs and Description

Top real estate brokers have a real eye for taking photographs to highlight the natural beauty and features in and on your property. This is very different than the quality of photos and images you will see on “by owner sales” for real estate listings in Plumas County.

By having photos highlighting the interior and exterior of the home or buildings, as well as accurate descriptions including upgrades, renovations and key features of the home or property there is more information for buyers. This translates into a greater likelihood of a match between buyer wants and needs and your property.

Staging and Showing

Last but not least, your real estate broker will help you with any staging or preparation of the interior of the home as well as maintaining the property for active real estate listings in Plumas County. Simple issues such as airing out a summer home or keeping the lawn cut can make a big impression on a buyer arriving to see the home and perhaps make a purchase.

If you are planning on selling and need help with your real estate listings in Plumas County, see our licensed real estate broker at Feather Financial and Reality. To learn more go to Featherfinancial.com.

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